Diverse Books for a Neighborhood of Readers
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Audiobooks & Books for Far Away Friends

Now you can support us and indulge your love for books in all formats!

Audio Books, and Books Shipped to Far Away

We are a small, neighborhood brick-and-mortar store, so we partner with other great businesses to increase the range of options we can offer our favorite fanatical readers.


Bookshop.org Delivers!

Please use our partner Bookshop.org to send books to family and friends, and tell all your friends to use it, too! Bookshop.org share a fair portion of all sales with us, AND gives 10% of all sales to a fund that is divided evenly between all Indie bookstores in the U.S. Shop through our storefront directly and we’ll get a share of everything you buy. Click here for more information about Bookshop.org.

Since 2020, Bookshop.org has raised more than $33 million for independent bookstores.


Audiobooks- Listening is just another way to read

We delightedly sell audiobooks through our partner Libro.fm. You can buy individual titles or a monthly subscription, or give titles or subscriptions as gifts. When you choose us as your local bookstore, we get a portion of each purchase while you get great audiobooks.

Libro.fm has an easy-to-use app available for all phone platforms, so you can carry your favorite audiobooks with you wherever you go.

You can also gift audiobook credit bundles to your loved ones. You choose the credit bundle, your gift recipient picks their own audiobooks, and Big Blue Marble Bookstore is supported by your purchase! Credit bundles can be delivered instantly or scheduled for delivery. During November and December 2024, 12 and 24-credit bundles will be 5% and 10% off, respectively.