Diverse Books for a Neighborhood of Readers
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Other Worlds

Science Fiction, Fantasy, Science Fantasy, Speculative Fiction, Afrofurturism, Feminist & Queer World-Building - an invitation to step into other worlds has always been at the center of our brick-and-mortar. Our first scifi/fantasy lists were built by WisCon fans, heavy on Butler and Le Guin and the other founding women of the genre. We’ve maintained our commitment to find, read, shelve, and recommend diverse voices. Browse here and find books for middle-grade and up, as the best speculative fiction crosses ages and genres!

Jeff VanderMeer, Southern Reach Book 4, coming 10/22/24 9781250824042.jpg

Jeff VanderMeer, Southern Reach Book 4, coming 10/22/24

from $19.44
Freya Marske, Last Binding Trilogy, book 3 in paper 10/1/24 9781250831897.jpg

Freya Marske, Last Binding Trilogy, book 3 in paper 10/1/24

from $20.51
Katherine Arden, The Warm Hands of Ghosts 2/13/24

Katherine Arden, The Warm Hands of Ghosts 2/13/24

Kelly Link, The Book of Love, 2/13/24

Kelly Link, The Book of Love, 2/13/24

Brandson Sanderson, Tress of the Emerald Sea

Brandson Sanderson, Tress of the Emerald Sea

Rebecca Thorne, Can't Spell Treason Without Tea 5/7/24

Rebecca Thorne, Can't Spell Treason Without Tea 5/7/24

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Travis Baldree, Legends & Lattes - Bookshops & Bonedust 11/7/23

from $19.43
Frances White, Voyage of the Damned: A Fantasy Novel, 8/20/24

Frances White, Voyage of the Damned: A Fantasy Novel, 8/20/24

Nnedi Okorafor, She Who Knows, 8/20/24

Nnedi Okorafor, She Who Knows, 8/20/24

N.K. Jemisin, World We Make (Great Cities #2) 11/1/22

N.K. Jemisin, World We Make (Great Cities #2) 11/1/22

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Naomi Novik, Scholomance series - Golden Enclaves coming 9/27/22

from $18.36
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Holly Black, Book of Night

Emily St John Mandel, Sea of Tranquility, paperback 3/28/23 9780593466735.jpg

Emily St John Mandel, Sea of Tranquility, paperback 3/28/23

from $18.36
V E Schwab, Invisible Life of Addie Larue 9780765387561.jpg

V E Schwab, Invisible Life of Addie Larue

from $21.59
Ann Leckie, Translation State, 6/6/29

Ann Leckie, Translation State, 6/6/29

Helen Oyeyemi, "Gingerbread"

Helen Oyeyemi, "Gingerbread"

Some Desperate Glory, Emily Tesh, 4/11/23

Some Desperate Glory, Emily Tesh, 4/11/23

Samantha Shannon,Roots of Chaos Series,  A Day of Fallen Night in paper 3/5/24 9781635570304.jpg

Samantha Shannon,Roots of Chaos Series, A Day of Fallen Night in paper 3/5/24

from $21.60
Kelly Barnhill, When Women Were Dragons, paperback 5/16/23 9780593466575.jpg

Kelly Barnhill, When Women Were Dragons, paperback 5/16/23

from $18.36
R F Kuang, Babel: Or the Necessity of Violence: An Arcane History of the Oxford Translators' Revolution 9780063021426_aa8455e1-4cfd-4eba-a4b6-e0e76827a7ca.jpg

R F Kuang, Babel: Or the Necessity of Violence: An Arcane History of the Oxford Translators' Revolution

from $21.60
Natasha Pulley, The Mars House, 3/19/24

Natasha Pulley, The Mars House, 3/19/24

S.A. Barnes, Ghost Station, 4/9/24

S.A. Barnes, Ghost Station, 4/9/24

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Becky Chambers, The Wayfarers

from $20.51
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Frank Herbert, Dune Series

from $19.44
Emilia Hart, Weyward, paperback 2/27/24

Emilia Hart, Weyward, paperback 2/27/24

Martha Wells, " Fugitive Telemetry"

Martha Wells, " Fugitive Telemetry"

Octavia Butler, Xenogenesis Trilogy (aka Lilith's Brood) butler dawn lb 1 new cover.jpg

Octavia Butler, Xenogenesis Trilogy (aka Lilith's Brood)

from $19.43
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Octavia Butler, Kindred

from $17.28
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Octavia Butler, Bloodchild and Other Stories

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Octavia Butler, The Patternist series

from $19.43

Becky Chambers, To Be Taught, If Fortunate


Alaya Dawn Johnson, Reconstruction: Stories

Sarah Perry, Enlightenment, 5/7/24

Sarah Perry, Enlightenment, 5/7/24

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Alix E. Harrow, The Once and Future Witches


Seanan McGuire, Middlegame


Alix E Harrow, The Ten Thousand Doors of January

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Rivers Solomon and Daveed Diggs, The Deep

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Nghi Vo, The Chosen and the Beautiful

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Octavia Butler, Kindred, Fledgling, Collected Stories (Loa #338)

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Douglas Adams, The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series

from $21.60

John Joseph Adams, The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2020

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Katherine Arden, The Winternight trilogy

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S.A. Chakraborty, Daevabad Trilogy

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Josiah Bancroft, Books of Babel


Leigh Bardugo, Ninth House

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Robert Jackson Bennett, Founders Trilogy


Ray D Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451

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Kacen Callender, Islands of Blood and Storm

from $18.35

Ted Chiang, Exhalation: Stories

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Zen Cho, Sorcerer to the Crown series

from $18.36

Claire Coleman, Terra Nullius

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James S.A. Corey, The Expanse series


Samuel R Delany, Dhalgren


Samuel R Delany, The Fall of the Towers


A J Hackwith, The Library of the Unwritten

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Deborah Harkness, All Souls Trilogy


Nalo Hopkinson, Brown Girl in the Ring


Nalo Hopkinson, Skin Folk: Stories

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N.K. Jemisin, The Broken Earth Trilogy

from $19.43

N.K. Jemisin, The Great Cities Trilogy

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N.K. Jemisin, Dreamblood Duology

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N.K. Jemisin, The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms

from $19.43

N.K. Jemisin, How Long 'til Black Future Month?

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R. F. Kuang, The Poppy War Series

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George R. R Martin, A Game of Thrones (Song of Ice and Fire)

from $19.44
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Seanan McGuire, October Daye Novels


China Miéville, The City & the City

David Mitchell, Utopia Avenue

David Mitchell, Utopia Avenue


Silvia Moreno-Garcia, Gods of Jade and Shadow


Erin Morgenstern, The Starless Sea

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Sylvain Neuvel, Themis Files


Naomi Novik, Uprooted


Naomi Novik, Spinning Silver

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Claire O'Dell, Janet Watson Chronicles

from $17.27
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Nnedi Okorafor, Akata Witch/Akata Warrior

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Nnedi Okorafor, Binti trilogy

from $11.87

Nnedi Okorafor, Who Fears Death


Tochi Onyebuchi, Riot Baby

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Ada Palmer, Terra Ignota series

from $20.51
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Terry Pratchett, Tiffany Aching series

from $11.87

Terry Pratchett &Neil Gaiman, Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch


Rebecca Roanhorse, Trail of Lightning (Sixth World #1)


Rebecca Roanhorse, Black Sun (Between Earth and Sky)

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Kim Stanley Robinson, Mars Trilogy

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Patrick Rothfuss, Kingkiller Chronicles


Mary Doria Russell, The Sparrow


Neal Stephenson, Snow Crash

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Tasha Suri, Books of Ambha


Ytasha Womack, Afrofuturism

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J. Y. Yang, Tensorate series

from $15.11
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C L Polk, Kingston Cycle

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Ursula K Le Guin, Earthsea Cycle

from $11.87
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Ursula K Le Guin, The Left Hand of Darkness


Ursula K. Le Guin, The Dispossessed (Hainish Cycle)

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Ursula K. Le Guin, Selected and Collected Works

from $23.75
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Ursula K. Le Guin, The Lathe of Heaven

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Ursula K. Le Guin, Changing Planes: Stories

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J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings series

from $19.43
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J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit

from $15.11
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Arkady Martine, Teixcalaan series

from $20.51
Charlie Jane Anders, The City in the Middle of the Night

Charlie Jane Anders, The City in the Middle of the Night

Mary Robinette Kowal, The Lady Astronaut series - #4 Martian Contingency 3/18/25 fated sky.jpg

Mary Robinette Kowal, The Lady Astronaut series - #4 Martian Contingency 3/18/25

from $19.43

Sarah Pinsker, A Song for a New Day

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Yoon Ha Lee, Machineries of Empire series

from $10.79
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Catherynne M. Valente, Space Opera

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Seanan McGuire, Wayward Children series

from $19.43
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Phillip Pullman, His Dark Materials trilogy

from $9.71
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Philip Pullman, The Book of Dust triology

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Neil Gaiman, Coraline

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Neil Gaiman, American Gods

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Charles Soule, Star Wars: Light of the Jedi (the High Republic)

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Kate Day Hope, In the Quick

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Neil Gaiman, Neverwhere

Samantha Shannon, The Mask Falling (The Bone Season #4)

Samantha Shannon, The Mask Falling (The Bone Season #4)

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Hank Green, The Carls

from $19.44
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Neil Gaiman, Anansi Boys


Nnedi Okorafor, Remote Control

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Neil Gaiman, The Graveyard Book

from $11.87
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Neil Gaiman, The Ocean at the End of the Lane

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Sarah J. Mass, House of Earth and Blood

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Matt Ruff, Lovecraft Country

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Lindsay Ellis, Axiom's End

from $21.60

Lydia Rogue, ed, Trans-Galactic Bike Ride: Feminist Bicycle Science Fiction Stories of Transgender and Nonbinary Adventurers


Chana Porter, The Seep

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Shelley Parker-Chan, She Who Became the Sun

Tamsyn Muir, Locked Tomb Trilogy - Nona the Ninth coming 9/13/22 (Copy) 81nnjiouhLL.jpg

Tamsyn Muir, Locked Tomb Trilogy - Nona the Ninth coming 9/13/22 (Copy)

from $19.43

N.K. Jemisin, The City We Became

Costanza Casati, Babylonia, 1/14/25

Costanza Casati, Babylonia, 1/14/25


Ernest Cline, Ready Player Two

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J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings Illustrated Edition

Ryka Aoki, Light from Uncommon Stars

Ryka Aoki, Light from Uncommon Stars

Octavia Butler, Fledgling

Octavia Butler, Fledgling

Annalee Newitz, Terraformers

Annalee Newitz, Terraformers

Helen MacDonald and Sin Blaché, Prophet

Helen MacDonald and Sin Blaché, Prophet

Debbie Urbanski, After World 9781668023464.jpg

Debbie Urbanski, After World

from $20.51
Chloe Gong, Immortal Longings (Flesh & False Gods #1), 7/18/23

Chloe Gong, Immortal Longings (Flesh & False Gods #1), 7/18/23

Martha Wells, Murderbot Series - System Collapse 11/14/23 murderbot 2.jpg

Martha Wells, Murderbot Series - System Collapse 11/14/23

from $20.51
V E Schwab, The Fragile Threads of Power (Threads of Power #1). 9/26/23

V E Schwab, The Fragile Threads of Power (Threads of Power #1). 9/26/23


T. Kingfisher, Nettle & Bone

Emily St. John Mandel, "Station Eleven"

Emily St. John Mandel, "Station Eleven"

Margaret Atwood, "The Testaments"

Margaret Atwood, "The Testaments"

Susanna Clarke, "Piranesi"

Susanna Clarke, "Piranesi"

Leigh Bardugo, The Familiar, 4/9/24

Leigh Bardugo, The Familiar, 4/9/24

Ali Hazelwood, Bride, 2/6/24

Ali Hazelwood, Bride, 2/6/24

Brandon Sanderson, The Sunlit Man: A Cosmere Novel, 3/5/24

Brandon Sanderson, The Sunlit Man: A Cosmere Novel, 3/5/24

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Erin Morgenstern, "The Starless Sea"

Katherine Addison CHRONICLES OF OSRETH, book 3 of Cemeteries of Amalo 3/11/25 9780765387431.jpg

Katherine Addison CHRONICLES OF OSRETH, book 3 of Cemeteries of Amalo 3/11/25

from $18.35
John Scalzi, When the Moon Hits Your Eye, 3/25/25

John Scalzi, When the Moon Hits Your Eye, 3/25/25
