Because SCIENCE / Philadelphia FIGHT Fundraiser

Because SCIENCE / Philadelphia FIGHT Fundraiser
Support Science! Support Your Community!! Have Fun!!!
Big Blue Marble is so proud to be partnering with Philadelphia FIGHT to honor their 30th anniversary by helping provide PPE for their hard-working staff. Because fun is hard to come by in COVID times, we’re doing this work with SUPER FUN buttons.
Wear them, share them, gift them – express your belief in, you know, SCIENCE, your love of a particular musical, your love of a particular Fluffy Orange Monster, and your admiration of whatever internet genius first put Dr. Anthony Fauci’s face on that famous Jeff Goldblum pose.
All 4 button designs come in two sizes, one just for fun and for emergency-level-need-for-fun. All profits go to Philadelphia FIGHT in honor of their commitment to public health in our beloved city.
Large (3 inch) buttons may be purchased individually for $5 (plus tax). Small (1 inch) buttons are sold as a set for $10 (plus tax). You can also buy The Whole Shebang and get one of each! ($28 plus tax)
Late-breaking question - can we mail them? Yes, probably - definitive answer coming soon!
Buttons will be here soon – and you can kickstart our campaign by ordering yours now.