Diverse Books for a Neighborhood of Readers

LGBTQ Books for Teens

Kim Fu, For Today I Am a Boy

Kim Fu, For Today I Am a Boy


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At birth, Peter Huang is given the Chinese name Juan Chaun, powerful king. To his parents, newly settled in small-town Ontario, he is the exalted only son in a sea of daughters, the one who will finally fulfill his immigrant father’s dreams of Western masculinity. Peter and his sisters grow up in an airless house of order and obligation, though secrets and half-truths simmer beneath the surface. At the first opportunity, each of the girls lights out on her own. But for Peter, escape is not as simple as fleeing his parents home. Though his father crowned him powerful king, Peter knows otherwise. He knows he is really a girl. With the help of his far-flung sisters and the sympathetic souls he finds along the way, Peter inches ever closer to his own life, his own skin, in this darkly funny, emotionally acute, stunningly powerful debut.


Arin Andrews, Some Assembly Required: The Not-So-Secret Life of a Transgender Teen

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Saundra Mitchell, ed., Out Now: Queer We Go Again!


Amber Smith, Something Like Gravity


Alyssa Brugman, Alex as Well
