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Dana Simpson, Phoebe and Her Unicorn Series, #20 Unicorn Time Machine 10/1/24

Dana Simpson, Phoebe and Her Unicorn Series, #20 Unicorn Time Machine 10/1/24

from $10.79

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Do you believe in unicorns? Phoebe does. She has no choice. One day she skipped a rock across a pond, and hit a unicorn in the face. Improbably, this resulted in a lasting friendship between Phoebe and the unicorn, one Marigold Heavenly Nostrils. Come along for the unicorn ride with Phoebe, as she deals with the usual burdens of childhood (cruel classmates, gym class, piano lessons) and also some unusual ones (magic hair, candy-breathing dragons, and the legendary Shield of Boringness). Can a precocious little girl and a self-absorbed mythical forest creature find common ground? Indeed they can, and that's how Phoebe and her unicorn unfolds.

Stephen Shaskan, Pizza and Taco Series, book 8 10/1/24 9780593123348.jfif

Stephen Shaskan, Pizza and Taco Series, book 8 10/1/24

from $10.79
Mac Barnett, The First Cat in Space Series, Book 3 11/5/24 9780063084117.jpg

Mac Barnett, The First Cat in Space Series, Book 3 11/5/24

John Patrick Green, Investigators, #8 9/24/24 take the plunge.jpg

John Patrick Green, Investigators, #8 9/24/24

from $11.87
Brandon Sanderson and Kazu Kibuishi, The Most Boring Book Ever 9/24/24

Brandon Sanderson and Kazu Kibuishi, The Most Boring Book Ever 9/24/24

Ann M Martin, Baby-Sitters Little Sister Series, #9 Karen's Grandmothers 10/1/24 9781338356144.jpg

Ann M Martin, Baby-Sitters Little Sister Series, #9 Karen's Grandmothers 10/1/24

from $11.87